
Stari Grad, as is usually the case with Mediterranean towns, consists of an old town core and a newer part of town.

If you want to experience the true Mediterranean ambiance of stone houses in the streets of the old part of town, you’ll find many remodeled stone houses available, some of them over 200 years old, now converted into rental homes. Staying in the old part of Stari Grad will enable you to experience the Mediterranean as it once was in the true sense of the word.

If you find yourself more attracted to modern accommodation, we recommend apartments and holiday houses in the new part of Stari Grad, called Priko, located on the north side of the Stari Grad bay.

Looking to stay in a hotel or hostel? The north side of the bay is also home to the Helios Faros hotel complex  with three hotels, one apartment complex and the bungalow complex Trim.

In the accommodation offer of Stari Grad you can also find luxury holiday villas located in the area.

The picturesque villages surrounding Stari Grad such as Dol, Vrbanj, Rudina and Selca, also offer apartments and holiday houses where you can spend a pleasant and peaceful vacation surrounded by nature.

The villages are located in the centre of Hvar Island and are a true oasis of peace and respite from the busy city life.

Not far from Stari Grad you’ll find two beautiful coves, Basina and Mudri Dolac, with seafront accommodation. They’re only 4 km away from Stari Grad and offer holiday houses, apartments and camping sites.

You can book your Stari Grad accommodation through booking sites, or by contacting the hotels or hosts directly.

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Rad tijela TZ Stari Grad

Novosti za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Propisi za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Vlasnici kuća ili stanova za odmor na području grada Starog Grada, Rudina, Vrbanja, Dola, Basine, Selci dužni su se prijaviti u Turističkoj zajednici grada Staroga Grada te platiti boravišnu pristojbu za vrijeme boravka u kući ili stanu za odmor.
Prilikom prijave boravka u Turističkoj zajednici potrebno je donjeti putovnicu ili osobnu iskaznicu svih članova uže obitelji koji prijavljuju boravak u kući ili stanu.
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