Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

The Tourist Board of Stari Grad cares greatly about the protection of your privacy and your personal data, and is complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU from April 27, 2016, for the protection of individuals in regards to the processing of personal information and the free movement of such data, and the applicable data protection laws.


Please find below the information to help you understand which data the Stari Grad Tourist Board may gather, how it is used and stored, and who we may share it with.

Personal Information

The Stari Grad Tourist Board will not gather any personal information about you (for example your name, address, phone number or e-mail address), except in those instances when you volunteer that information yourself (for example in polls, contact forms, etc.), by giving your consent or unless it is otherwise regulated by applicable laws and regulations for the protection of your personal data.

Children’s Personal Information

When providing information services directly to a child, the processing of the child’s personal information is illegal unless the child is at least 16 years of age. If the child is below the age of 16, such processing is lawful only if, and to the extent of, the consent that has been given or approved by the person with parental responsibility over the child.

The Stari Grad Tourist Board is making all reasonable efforts to verify that consent has been given or approved by the holder of the parental responsibility over the child, taking into account available technology.


Legality and Transparency

Your personal information will be processed only on the basis of our legal obligation, your consent or an other legitimate basis. Data pertaining to you will, in a transparent way, be be gathered, used, disclosed or otherwise processed, and the retention period and purposes of the data processing will be publicly announced, along with information about the identity of the processing manager, information about accessing your data, the complaint process, and the data update request.

Restricted Purposes

Your personal information will be gathered for specific, explicit and lawful purposes, and will not be further processed in a manner inconsistent with those purposes. Data gathered for one purpose will not be used for any other purpose or in a manner inconsistent with the approved purpose. For processing purposes which are not performed on a legal basis or contract, we will ask you for specific consent.

Reduction of Data Scope

Personal information we gather is appropriate, relevant and limited to processing purposes. The processing manager will not collect personal information unnecessary for processing purposes.


Data Accuracy and Integrity

It it necessary that the personal data we gather is accurate and up to date and we will therefore take any reasonable measure to ensure that the personal data which is not accurate, considering the purposes of its processing, is deleted or corrected without further delay.


Storage Limitation

The retention periods for your personal information are determined by positive legal regulations or your consent for the gathering and processing of personal information.


Integrity and Confidentiality

In order to protect your information from being accidentally or unlawfully destroyed, lost or changed, as well as from unauthorized disclosure or access, the Tourist Board of Stari Grad employs technical and organisational security measures.


Contact information of the Data Protection Officer

The Stari Grad Tourist Board will answer any reasonable requests for the correction of your personal data and for the correction, amendment or deletion of inaccuracies. If you have any questions or comments about the Data Protection Policy please contact us using the Data Protection Officer’s e-mail



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Rad tijela TZ Stari Grad

Novosti za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Propisi za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

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