
Hiking Trail Glavica

With a gentle incline, this trail leads you north of Stari Grad to the top of Glavica where you’ll find the large stone cross also visible from the town centre.
The top, with its  prehistoric fort surrounded by a circular pile of rocks, offers an amazing view of Stari Grad, its blue bay and green Stari Grad Plain, which makes it an excellent place to take photos and rest.

By hiking to the top of the Glavica, you’ll get acquainted will all the diversity of the Hvar island flora and be invigorated by the scent of herbs and fresh air.

Trail length: 7 km
Altitude: 111 m

Hiking Trail Purkin kuk

The trail takes you through the Pharos Hora, or Ager, along the precious archaeological site Kupinovik, and all the way up to the Purkin Kuk peak on a hill south of Stari Grad.

Trail legth: 9,20 km
Altitude: 276 m


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Novosti za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Propisi za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Vlasnici kuća ili stanova za odmor na području grada Starog Grada, Rudina, Vrbanja, Dola, Basine, Selci dužni su se prijaviti u Turističkoj zajednici grada Staroga Grada te platiti boravišnu pristojbu za vrijeme boravka u kući ili stanu za odmor.
Prilikom prijave boravka u Turističkoj zajednici potrebno je donjeti putovnicu ili osobnu iskaznicu svih članova uže obitelji koji prijavljuju boravak u kući ili stanu.
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