
Stari Grad - Otok Hvar

Because of its 2726 hours of sunlight a year, Hvar Island is considered to be the sunniest island in Croatia, ideal for swimming. The Stari Grad  Bay itself has more than 40 natural sand, pebble and rocky bays and coves. Some of them are only accessible by boat which gives you the possibility to be the captain of your own ship for a day and sail into the hidden bay. Stari Grad also offers several public beaches in the immediate vicinity of the town centre which, with their many amenities, make a hot summer day even more pleasant.

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Rad tijela TZ Stari Grad

Novosti za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Propisi za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Vlasnici kuća ili stanova za odmor na području grada Starog Grada, Rudina, Vrbanja, Dola, Basine, Selci dužni su se prijaviti u Turističkoj zajednici grada Staroga Grada te platiti boravišnu pristojbu za vrijeme boravka u kući ili stanu za odmor.
Prilikom prijave boravka u Turističkoj zajednici potrebno je donjeti putovnicu ili osobnu iskaznicu svih članova uže obitelji koji prijavljuju boravak u kući ili stanu.
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