Tuk Tuk tour

Tour description:

Experience Hvar’s beauties in a unique way. The panoramic Tuk Tuk tour starts from Stari Grad and continues to Stari Grad Plain (UNESCO) and Vrboska, also known as the “Little Venice” because of the charming little bridges that connect two sides of the bay. The path then takes us to Jelsa where we stop at a traditional wine cellar for the wine and olive oil tasting. The cellar is over 80 years old and the setting as well enables us to enjoy traditional island products and gastronomic offer.

After the program we will ride through the picturesque villages in the central part of the island: Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj and Dol, to round up this special story. This tour explicates the relationship between history, culture and enogastronomy on the island of Hvar.

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Rad tijela TZ Stari Grad

Novosti za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Propisi za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Vlasnici kuća ili stanova za odmor na području grada Starog Grada, Rudina, Vrbanja, Dola, Basine, Selci dužni su se prijaviti u Turističkoj zajednici grada Staroga Grada te platiti boravišnu pristojbu za vrijeme boravka u kući ili stanu za odmor.
Prilikom prijave boravka u Turističkoj zajednici potrebno je donjeti putovnicu ili osobnu iskaznicu svih članova uže obitelji koji prijavljuju boravak u kući ili stanu.
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