Traditional day and night fishing tours

Tour description:

The experience of ancestors in the art and craft of fishing with old, traditional tools has become a rarity on the Adriatic.

Love for the sea, fish and fishing is passed down from generation to generation.

Embark on an ever-challenging fishing adventure with us!

Experience a trip on an authentic fishing boat, get to know the fishing crew, fishing nets and fish. On our traditional Dalmatian tour, you will experience the Dalmatian and island way of life.

We will try to make it an unforgettable experience for you.

The old saying goes ‘the captain’s word is law’. You will discover its power and meaning.

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Novosti za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Propisi za vlasnike kuća ili stanova za odmor

Vlasnici kuća ili stanova za odmor na području grada Starog Grada, Rudina, Vrbanja, Dola, Basine, Selci dužni su se prijaviti u Turističkoj zajednici grada Staroga Grada te platiti boravišnu pristojbu za vrijeme boravka u kući ili stanu za odmor.
Prilikom prijave boravka u Turističkoj zajednici potrebno je donjeti putovnicu ili osobnu iskaznicu svih članova uže obitelji koji prijavljuju boravak u kući ili stanu.
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